Sunday, April 12, 2009

To All Bodhisattva

My Story : “Jeny Khaeni Melawan Rheumatoid Arthritis di Usia Muda” have been published by Sekar – Indonesia Woman Magazine, 2nd Edition released on 8th April-22April 2009)

Here is my thank you note

The scent of flowers travels not against the wind—be it tagara or mallika or even of the sandalwood tree. But the fragrance of the good wafts even against the wind. But the fragrance of the good man pervades all his ways
The fragrance of the virtuous ascends to the heights of the gods
(excerpt from Dhammapada)

To All Bodhisattva,

I can’t begin to express my gratitude for what you all have done. It hasn’t been easy dealing with things lately, but knowing I have Bodhisattva like you all definitely helps.

I want to express my gratitude for the greatest woman – My Mom, who kept on supporting me during the hard times. My father and sisters, their deepest love really lifted my spirits. I love you all more than you know

To My mother in law for her invaluable help while I was sick. Cooking for family, looked after my daughter. You really conveyed everything and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate at all.

To my hubby, Iwan Chandra - being sick is never easy but your assistance relieved a lot of the stress involve, although we missed to celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary that time since had rush to Penang. But your love really kept me ‘alive’

To my daughter, Silacarini – It was a hard time to through and never easy for you too. Thank you for being sweet and not whimpering. I love you !

To dr.Koay (Penang), dr.Chew Li Ching (SGH) and medical professionals who went above and beyond their jobs

To Natalia – I appreciate your support while I was in hospital. I just wanted to let you know again how much your kind words and prayers really made a difference. Thank you again for your thoughfulness and your friendship

To Dhammita Chin and Ci Neng Agustina – thank you from the bottom of my heart. You’ve helped in ways I can’t even express. Your magical words really ‘awake’ me.

Friends who visited me at home : Wie Lan, Ellysa Hasan, Surya Dhamma Ali, and Virsa Buddhist Community

To Shantoy Sijabat – eventhough you were not beside me during the time, I know you were there for me. I always love your comment to my ‘first cliff hanger moment’. Such a memorable thing !

To Ven. Panna Nanda – thank you for sharing yours ‘enlightenment’ to me. Not only openned my mind but also gave a better understanding to practice bhavana.

To Ven.(Who-Bhante-Penang) – I appreciate for your invaluable help and ‘meaningful’ session

To Ven.Jinadhammo – thank you for correcting my understanding to ‘see’ the right point of things I dealt with

To Ven. Uttamo – thank you for your speed response to my email and helped me to overcome the stress involved and taught me to focus on recovering

To Ven.Nyanapada – thank you always to listen ‘all my messy chirp’

To Meici Khemacarini & Sangha Thailand – thank you for the prayers. Every time I think of all the time and effort you put into this for me, I’m just floored.

To My boss, Otto Ng and Co –workers- Dewi who visited me at hospital and taking my duty during medical leave for more than a month. Gee, felt like a century. Thank you again for JTTS Medan team who being thoughfulness, tighten bonding, solidarity feel and warmest welcome. To Edi Malisa and Sujasmin who saved my life while slipping nearby toilet. Great help ever !

To Mariana Widjaja – a lady I even haven’t met yet. Thank you for sending me ‘a slide show of how to live healthy’. This email then encouraged me to share widely to others (including magazine) Bravo too for your team – MOL Indonesia.

To Didi and Ayanti- Yoga trainer from Ananda Marga, Never easy to do the asanas without your greatest effort for guiding me step by step. Thank you so much for relieving session given.

To Denny Halim, Musim Mas - Thank you for showing your concern tru sms. Really appreciate it !

To my colleagues in Singapore :

Jenna Toh Bee Lian & Simon – thank you for being such gracious hosts and treating me so royally. I always have such a wonderful time with you. You were so thoughtful.

Wong Chee Beng – you’ve really gone way above and beyond the typical meaning of friend. Thank you for being such a great listener (Jeny likes a chirping bird. Hehe)

Andrew Maurice Quah & Family- thank you for the home cooked dinner served. Your mother really ‘a great chef’. I enjoyed spending time with your family and thank you again for your hospitality.

Thong Peng Lai – I always like your comment : Jeny, you looked more like a tourist than ‘Pesakitan’ haha. Well, I followed Wong’s adviced. He said : Just enjoy your trip to Singapore. Dun think about the medication. And, it works !

Haslinah Bte Ngadimin – thank you Has for your sms. It really relieved and lifted my spirits

Last but not the least, I want to thank you to anyone who offered emotional support and understanding. To Person whom I missed to mention here. Thank you for making great miracles happened by your kindness, understanding, thoughfulness

I love you all
Thank you, Bodhisattva !

Friday, April 10, 2009

We Are Not A Mind Reader

Suatu sore, saat rute terakhir menuju tempat jemputan, ternyata rantai roda sepeda motor putus. Suami lalu menelepon istri mengabari bahwa akan terlambat menjemputnya. Karena ia perlu membawa sepeda motornya ke bengkel terlebih dahulu. Disebutlah sebuah nama bengkel yang dekat dengan kejadian. Suami yang sedang di jalan, tidak leluasa bercakap lebih lama.

Istri (batere HPnya drop saat itu), tanpa mengkonfirmasi kembali langsung bergerak dari tempat menuju bengkel yang dimaksud suami. Meski sudah diingatkan kawan untuk konfirmasi kembali. Dia bilang tidak perlu. “SUAMI SUDAH TAU”

Entah apa yang terjadi kemudian…

Tiba-tiba suami muncul ditempat jemputan dengan tergesa-gesa menanyai seorang kawan apakah istrinya masih menunggu dia disana

Kawan yang ditanya juga kebingungan. Bukankah istrinya menyusul dia ke bengkel ? apakah mereka tidak berjumpa disana ? suami dengan wajah menyesal memberitahu kawan kalau dia tidak jadi ke bengkel tersebut.

Aku yakin anda bisa menebak kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang terjadi.

Si istri ke bengkel yang dimaksud tapi tidak menemui suaminya disana pasti mulai gelisah, lalu kesal, terus marah. Kebawa rasa marah akhirnya memilih pulang sendiri. Setiba dirumah, suasana hati masih terbawa kejadian itu, saat suami sampai dirumah, besar kemungkinan akan saling menyalahkan. Terus bertengkar. Dan bla-bla…

Terlihat kejadian sepele bukan tapi lihatlah efeknya !

Komunikasi ! 'Andai' sedari awal komunikasi itu tepat. Andai komunikasi itu nyambung. Saling memahami maksud satu sama lain. Bukan persepsi 'dia sudah tau'. Saya yakin kesalahpahaman itu bisa dicegah.

Lalu sang kawan bilang ini yang salah si istri. Kenapa gak nelpon dulu atau kenapa gak tunggu saja. Well, apapun itu tidak lagi membantu bukan ? Karena kesempatan itu sudah LEWAT !

Sebenarnya skenario dirumahpun masih bisa diperbaiki, tidak perlu berbuntut saling menyalahkan. Nah, kamu pikirkan sendiri skenario itu, ini pe-er buatmu. Hehe

Kepada si kawan, berkaitan dengan cerita diatas, aku menceritakan kepadanya sebuah kisah nyata yang terjadi di Vietnam ratusan tahun yang lalu. Bila anda sempat mengunjungi Negara itu, tanyalah kisah Istri Tuan Truong ini kepada warga setempat. Mereka tau persis kisahnya.

Ada seorang pria yang masih sangat muda, ia harus mengikuti wajib militer. Sehingga dia menjadi tentara dan pergi berperang. Dia harus meninggalkan istrinya yang sedang hamil, sendirian di rumah. Mereka menangis cukup lama saat berpisah. Mereka tidak tahu apakah sang pria ini akan kembali dengan selamat, karena tidak ada yang tahu. Pergi berperang sangatlah beresiko. Bisa saja mati dalam beberapa minggu, beberapa bulan, atau mungkin juga terluka parah, jika beruntung, akan pulang selamat, pulang ke rumah, bertemu orang tua, istri dan anak-anakmu.

Pria muda tersebut cukup beruntung, dia selamat. Beberapa tahun kemudian dia dibebastugaskan. Istrinya sangat gembira mendengar kabar bahwa suaminya akan pulang. Dia pergi ke pintu gerbang desa untuk menyambut suaminya, dia ditemani anak laki-lakinya yang masih kecil. Anak kecil itu dilahirkan saat ayahnya masih bergabung dengan pasukan militer.

Pada saat mereka bertemu kembali, mereka menangis dan saling berpelukan, mereka menitikkan air mata kegembiraan. Mereka sangat bersyukur, pria muda tersebut selamat dan pulang ke rumah. Saat itu adalah saat pertama kalinya pria itu melihat anak laki-lakinya yang masih kecil

Berdasarkan tradisi, mereka harus membuat persembahan dialtar leluhur, untuk memberitahu para leluhur bahwa keluarga telah bersatu kembali. Pria itu meminta istrinya pergi ke pasar untuk membeli bunga, buah-buahan dan barang persembahan lain yang diperlukan untuk membuat persembahan di altar. Pria itu membawa anaknya pulang dan mencoba membujuk anaknya untuk memanggilnya ayah. Tapi anak tersebut menolak.

“Tuan, kamu bukanlah ayah saya. Ayah saya adalah orang lain. Dia selalu mengunjungi kami setiap malam, dan setiap kali ia datang, ibu saya akan berbicara dengannya lama sekali. Saat ibu duduk, ayah saya juga duduk, saat ibu tidur, dia juga tidur. Jadi, kamu bukanlah ayah saya.”

(Apa yang sedang bermain dikepalamu kawan ? kuhentikan cerita ini. Wah, istrinya pasti selingkuh ini. kata kawanku. Aku tersenyum, lalu kulanjutkan ceritaku)

Ayah muda tersebut sangat sedih, sangat terluka. Dia membayangkan ada pria lain yang datang kerumahnya setiap malam dan menghabiskan waktu semalaman dengan istrinya. Semua kebahagiaan lenyap seketika. Ayah muda tersebut sangat menderita sehingga hatinya menjadi sebongkah es. Dia tidak dapat lagi tersenyum. Dia menjadi sangat pendiam.

Istrinya yang sedang berbelanja, tidak tahu sama sekali mengenai hal ini. Sehingga, sewaktu ia pulang ke rumah, ia sangat terkejut. Suaminya tidak mau menatap wajahnya lagi. Dia tidak mau berbicara, dia menjadi sangat dingin, seakan-akan memandang rendah istrinya. Wanita itu tidak mengerti, Mengapa? Sehingga sang istri mulai menderita. Menderita sangat mendalam.

Setelah persembahan selesai dibuat, wanita tersebut meletakkannya di altar. Suaminya menyalakan dupa, berdoa kepada para leluhur, membentangkan tikar, melakukan empat sujud dan memberitahukan bahwa ia sudah pulang ke rumah dengan selamat dan kembali ke keluarganya. Setelah selesai, Ia tidak mengizinkan istrinya melakukan hal serupa, karena ia berpikir istrinya tidak pantas menampakkan dirinya di depan altar para leluhur. Wanita muda itu kemudian merasa malu, “terhina” karena peristiwa itu, dan dia menderita lebih dalam lagi.

Menurut tradisi, selesai upacara, mereka harus membereskan persembahan dan harus duduk bersuka cita menikmati makanan dengan kegembiraan. Tetapi pria muda itu malah pergi keluar ke desa, menghabiskan waktunya di kedai arak. Lalu mabuk karena dia tidak dapat menanggung penderitaannya.Ia tidak pulang ke rumah hingga larut malam. Dia mengulangi perbuatan itu hingga beberapa hari, tidak pernah bicara dengan istrinya, tidak pernah menatap istrinya, tidak pernah makan di rumah. Wanita muda tersebut sangat menderita dan ia tidak dapat menanggungnya.

Pada hari keempat, ia melompat ke sungai dan mati.

Guys, saat kamu menderita dan kamu yakin penderitaanmu disebabkan oleh orang yang paling kamu cintai, kamu lebih suka menderita sendiri. HARGA DIRI mencegahmu menemui pasanganmu.

Kulanjutkan kisahnya. Karena istri telah meninggal, malam itu suami harus tetap tinggal dirumah untuk menjaga anak laki-lakinya yang masih kecil. Dia mencari lampu minyak tanah dan menyalakannya.

Saat lampunya menyala, tiba-tiba anak kecil itu berteriak :

“Ini dia Ayahku!”

Dia menunjuk bayangan ayahnya di dinding.

“Tuan, ayahku biasanya datang tiap malam dan ibu berbicara banyak dengannya, dia menangis di depannya, setiap kali ibu duduk, ayah juga duduk, setiap kali ibu tidur, ayah juga tidur.”

Jadi “ayah” yang dimaksudkan anak tersebut hanyalah bayangan ibunya. Ternyata, wanita itu biasanya berbicara dengan bayangannya setiap malam, karena dia sangat merindukan suaminya.

Suatu ketika anaknya bertanya kepada ibunya :”Setiap orang didesa memiliki ayah, kenapa aku tidak punya ?’’

Untuk menenangkan anaknya, sang ibu menunjuk bayangannya di dinding dan berkata :

“Ini dia ayahmu !” dan ia mulai berbicara dengan bayangannya.

“Suamiku sayang, kamu sudah pergi begitu lama. Bagaimana mungkin aku membesarkan anak kita sendirian ? Tolong, cepatlah pulang sayang.”

Itulah percakapan yang sering ia lakukan. Tentu saja saat ia duduk, bayangannya juga duduk.

Sekarang ayah muda tersebut mengerti. Dia sadar akan kesalahannya, dia mulai menangis dan terus menangis, dia menjambak rambutnya, dia memukul dadanya. Tapi semua sudah terlambat, istrinya sudah mati.

Akhirnya semua penduduk desa belajar dari tragedy itu, mereka lalu mendoakan wanita malang itu dan mendirikan sebuah stupa untuk mengingatkan kepada setiap orang persepsi keliru dapat membuatmu menderita hebat.
(Picture : The temple to Truong's wife is located on the side of the Hoang river, village of Vu dien, district Ly Nhan, province of Ha Nam)
Andai saja, ya..banyak sekali ‘andai’ dan ‘andai’.

Sesungguhnya, kita semua punya kemampuan merubah akhir skenario itu bila mau ‘berbicara’. Namun terkadang kemampuan ‘berbicara dan mendengarkan’ kita dikalahkan oleh HARGA DIRI yang begitu tinggi.

Kita lebih memilih menderita dengan PERSEPSI KELIRU yang kita anggap benar.

Kadang ada orang yang bisa memperlakukan istri, suami atau anak-anaknya dengan sangat tidak ramah, tapi mereka bisa menjadi orang paling ramah bagi customernya, bagi kliennya, bagi bosnya.

Ada orang yang tidak senang bila istri atau anaknya menelepon. Meski tidak sampai 5 menit sudah dianggap “MENGANGGU”. Tapi dia bisa mengobrol berjam-jam dengan orang lain.


Karena Tuhan menciptakan 2 buah telinga, Dia menginginkan kita lebih banyak mendengar. Karena kita tidak mempunyai kemampuan membaca pikiran orang, itulah kenapa kita perlu mem’bicarakan’ isi pikiran.

Setiap saat kita merasakan sesuatu, kita perlu bertanya : “Apakah kamu yakin persepsi tersebut benar ? Apakah kamu yakin dengan persepsimu?’’

Periksa lagi.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Medications for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sahabat RA,

Ini penting diketahui. Seperti kata DR.Tan Shot Yen :

"Tubuh ini punya kita. Cintailah, kenali kenapa ia bermasalah dan jangan 'memasrahkannya' ke dokter, yang paling ahli sekalipun."

Jadi sama seperti obat yang diresepkan, dokter hanya memberi, yang meminum obat itu adalah si pasien, pasienlah yang lebih mengerti reaksi dari obat itu dalam tubuh.

Tiap orang mungkin berbeda reaksi terhadap obat. Karena itu penting kamu rekam perkembangan dalam meminum setiap obat yang diresepkan.

Pada awal treatment di Penang, semua berjalan normal, aku juga menuruti anjuran dokter sesuai dosis yang diberi dan sangat disiplin meminum obat.

Di bulan ke-3, aku merasakan sakit yang cukup hebat di liverku. Liver adalah organ yang penting. Bila ada keluhan, pasti ada yang tidak beres. Karena organ ini membantu menetralkan racun, sehingga kerja sangat berat. Mendengar 'alarm' ini, aku segera berkonsultasi dengan dokter. Ternyata dosis terlalu tinggi, tubuhku tidak dapat mentoleransi. Sehingga bunyilah 'alarm' itu.

Setelah itu direview kembali dosis obat. Merasa perlu mencari second opinion, aku berkonsultasi dengan Rheumatologist dikotaku. Obat yang diresepkan adalah kategori NSAIDs.

Ada rasa penasaran yang luar biasa, itulah yang kemudian membuatku mencari lebih banyak info tentang RA. Akhirnya aku putuskan berobat di Singapura. Disitu aku belajar lebih banyak lagi dengan berdiskusi dengan dokter.

Saat treatment di Penang, dokter memberiku methotrexate tanpa memberitahu bahwa selama mengonsumsi obat tersebut, saya dilarang untuk hamil. Status didata sangat jelas : aku sudah menikah. Ini seharusnya diberitahu dari awal

Di Singapura, pada awal kunjungan dokter memintaku melakukan test ANTI-CCP.
Test (RF) factor menunjukkan negatif, tapi symptoms adalah bentukan awal dari RA, begitu penjelasan mereka. Sebelum memulai treatment, mereka mengedukasi seputar methotrexate, dan kenapa aku harus segera memulai treatment ini. Aku banyak bertanya. Artikel-artikel ini memudahkan diskusi kami.

Sahabat RA,
jangan ragu untuk berdiskusi dengan dokter anda. Anda berhak mengetahui semua resiko yang mungkin terjadi. Anda berhak mengetahui treatment yang tepat. Lihat kembali obat yang telah diresepkan, pelajari artikel dibawah. Kunjungan berikut : diskusikan !


There are many different drugs used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Some are used primarily to ease the symptoms of RA; others are used to slow or stop the course of the disease and to inhibit structural damage. Most of these drugs fall into one of the following categories:

NSAIDs – Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include more than a dozen different medications – some available over-the-counter, some available by prescription only – used to help ease arthritis pain and inflammation. NSAIDs include such drugs as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), ketoprofen (Actron, Orudis KT) and naproxen sodium (Aleve), among others.

If you have had or are at risk of stomach ulcers, your doctor may prescribe celecoxib (Celebrex), a type of NSAID called a COX-2 inhibitor, which is designed to be safer for the stomach.

Corticosteroids – Corticosteroid medications, including prednisone, prednisolone and methyprednisolone, are potent and quick-acting anti-inflammatory medications. They may be used in RA to get potentially damaging inflammation under control, while waiting for NSAIDs and DMARDs (below) take effect. Because of the risk of side effects with these drugs, doctors prefer to use them for as short a time as possible and in doses as low as possible.

DMARDs – An acronym for disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, DMARDs are drugs that work slowly to actually modify the course of the disease. In recent years, the most commonly used DMARD for rheumatoid arthritis is methotrexate. But there are about a dozen others that fall into this category. They include hydroxycholorquine (Plaquenil), sulfasalazine (Azulfidine, Azulfidine EN-Tabs), leflunomide (Arava) and azathioprine (Imuran).

A person diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis today is likely to be prescribed a DMARD fairly early in the course of their disease, as doctors have found that starting these drugs early on can help prevent irreparable joint damage that might occur if their use was delayed.

Biologic agents – The newest category of medications used for rheumatoid arthritis is that of the biologic agents. There are currently six such agents approved for rheumatoid arthritis: abatacept (Orencia), adalimumab (Humira), anakinra (Kineret), etanercept (Enbrel), infliximab (Remicade) and rituximab (Rituxan).

Each of the biologics blocks a specific step in the inflammation process. Humira, Enbrel and Remicade block a cytokine called tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-?), and therefore often are called TNF-? inhibitors. Kineret blocks a cytokine called interleukin-1 (IL-1). Orencia blocks the activation of T cells. Rituxan blocks B cells. Because these agents target specific steps in the process, they don’t wipe out the entire immune response as some other RA treatments do, and in many people a biologic agent can slow, modify or stop the disease – even when other treatments haven’t helped much.

www :

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Remission is Possible

Sahabat RA,

Jangan menyerah !

Artikel dibawah ini membuktikan Remisi RA adalah mungkin. Seperti seorang narapidana yang mendapatkan remisi dari presiden pada hari kemerdekaan nasional kita, ternyata ini juga berlaku untuk kita penderita RA.

6 bulan terakhir ini aku stop minum methotrexate, tapi urin terapi tetap lanjut. Aku tetap melakukan controlling dengan prosedur biasa ; melakukan blood test. Dan syukurlah, hasilnya tetap di angka stabil. Symptomspun nyaris off.

Saat ini RA ku mungkin sedang 'quiet', jangan senang dulu. Karena ini adalah perjuangan seumur hidup. Bukan berarti semua usaha yang telah dilakukan berhenti sampai disini. Persis seperti menurunkan berat badan, setelah target tercapai, bila berhenti dan kembali dengan pola sebelumnya ya praktis akan kembali bermasalah.

Disini kita harus melihat sisi positive bahwa kondisi remisi ini memungkinkan. Terus lanjutkan usahamu, meski artikel sebelumnya sedikit miris tentang 'angka hidup orang penderita RA'

Bukankah ini adalah kabar bagus ?
So, ayo...jangan menyerah. Mari lanjutkan setiap usaha. Ingat, riset tetap berjalan.
Ilmu pengetahuan tetap berkembang. Jangan kecilkan hatimu


Achieving arthritis remission may not actually be as daunting as the death-defying tasks that brought super-spy Ethan Hunt out of retirement in Mission Impossible III. In fact, it may be well within the grasp of nearly half of the 2.1 million Americans with RA. The earlier one begins rheumatoid arthritis treatment, the better one’s odds are.

“If you have fewer than 15 minutes of morning stiffness and no tender or swollen joints for at least three months, that’s definitely remission,” says Salahuddin Kazi, the chief of rheumatology at the Dallas VA Medical Center in Texas.

“From a functional perspective, you can do all that you want to do. You have no limitations and no pain.

”Sound too good to be true? It’s not, says Désirée van der Heijde, MD, a professor of rheumatology at the University Hospital Maastricht in the Netherlands. She says that with today’s newer rheumatoid arthritis treatments, as well as with more aggressive use of older treatments such as methotrexate, nearly half of people with RA can – and should – achieve remission.

In the Trial of Etanercept and Methotrexate with Radiographic Patient Outcomes (TEMPO), a two-year study of 682 people with RA from 92 treatment centers in Europe and Australia, more than three quarters of people treated with the biologic drug etanercept (Enbrel) plus the disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) methotrexate experienced no progression of joint damage at three years. More than 40 percent achieved clinical arthritis remission.

“Treating early before damage occurs gives you a higher probability of remission,” says Dr. van der Heijde, adding, “TEMPO showed a high percentage of patients in remission, even in those with relatively longstanding disease.”

Exactly how close you can get to arthritis remission depends on how aggressively you are treated early on, agrees Dr. Kazi.

“If you get treated within two years of the onset of RA symptoms, you have more than a 50 percent chance of achieving remission.”

Chances are even better if you have mild disease activity and test negative for blood markers such as rheumatoid factor, he says. “If you get treated within five years of onset, TEMPO shows you still have a good chance of achieving remission.”

“At least 60 percent of RA patients should have low or moderate disease activity with today’s treatments, including the subset of biologics called TNF inhibitors – adalimumab (Humira), Enbrel, infliximab (Remicade) – and the newer biologic agents, such as abatacept (Orencia) or rituximab (Rituxan),” he says. Don’t take no for an answer, Dr. Kazi says.

“Develop a partnership with your doctor where you can say, ‘I still have some disease activity; can I have a higher dose of medication or try something different?’”

source :

Tips on Living Longer with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sahabat RA,

Saat membaca artikel ini. Sedikit shock dengan fakta yang terpapar. Tapi kemudian saya berpikir. Tidak perlu kena RA pun toh tiap orang akan mengalami fase kematian. Ini kenyataan hidup. Permasalahan hanya diwaktu, cara dan kondisi. Melihat fakta ini justru semakin menguatkan tekadku untuk tidak menunda-nunda pola hidup lebih sehat dan teratur.

Dan itulah yang sedang kulakukan. Aku senang ternyata tindakan remeh seperti selalu menggosok gigi ternyata bermanfaat. Oya, Aku juga memakan Omega-3 dalam bentuk soft capsule.

Buat yang belum memulai. Ayoo...jangan menunda lagi !
Mari hidup sehat dan peluk RAmu dengan cara ini ....


Don’t let disease win. Here's how to add a decade to your life
By Denise Lynn Mann

Despite a plethora of promising new rheumatoid arthritis treatments and an emphasis on getting diagnosed earlier, people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) do not seem to be living any longer today than they were 40 years ago, according to a recent study from the Mayo Clinic.

Within 10 years of being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis between 1995 and 2000, 29 percent of people in the Mayo Clinic study had died. Only 24 percent of those diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis between 1955 and 1964 died within 10 years of diagnosis.

Why isn’t the situation getting better?

Researchers believe that for people with rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease is the reason for decreased life expectancy. But don’t let this grim-sounding news get you down. Longevity experts say that making some simple changes can help you reduce the increased risk of heart disease and add potentially lost years to close the “mortality gap.”

Incorporate the following health practices to add years to your life:

Floss your teeth every day

Researchers speculate that bacteria from the mouth may enter the bloodstream and contribute to inflammation and artery clogging. Keep your mouth clean, and you’ll not only feel more confident when talking with someone face to face, you’ll also protect your heart.
“Flossing regularly can make your real age as much as 6.4 years younger,” says Michael F. Roizen, MD, chief wellness officer of the Institute of Wellness at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, and the author of several books, including RealAge – Are You as Young as You Can Be? (Collins, 1999) and, along with Mehmet C. Oz, MD, You: Staying Young (Free Press, 2007).

Different than your chronological age – determined by the calendar – your real age is the biological age of your body, which is affected by lifestyle, genetics and medical history. The good news is that your real age can be altered based on positive changes that improve your health.

Fish in the fountain of youth

“Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those in fish oil and fatty fish, decrease heart disease risks in several ways,” says Dr. Roizen. They reduce levels of dangerous blood fats called triglycerides, slightly decrease blood pressure and slow the growth rate of artery-clogging plaque. Get omega-3s by consuming 2 grams of fish oil per day or eating 14 ounces of fatty fish a week, such as herring, salmon, sardines and tuna.

If this advice is too fishy for you, get your omega-3s from plants, instead. “Try plant-based docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),” says Dr. Roizen. To reap the benefits, aim for 600 milligrams of DHA a day from foods like walnuts or flaxseed. If you add these healthy fats to your existing food choices, your real age will be about 3.3 years younger. Even better, says Dr. Roizen, if you replace all saturated and trans fats with healthy omega-3s, your real age will be six years younger.

Move it and lose it

Exercise helps you feel better, and – even if you don’t lose weight doing it – the physical activity is good for your heart. And exercising regularly also can make your real age three to nine years younger, Dr. Roizen says. Aim for about 30 minutes a day (most days of the week) of combined cardio and strength training. And if you are able to exercise enough and manage your calorie intake so that you lose weight, the risk of heart disease will decrease, along with the number on the scale.

Fill up on fruits and veggies

“Eat five fruits and five vegetables every day,” says New York City-based anti-aging specialist Eric Braverman, MD. Fruits and veggies are loaded with antioxidants, which help cool inflammation. “If you do this, your erythrocyte sedimentation (sed) rate will fall, and you will see less joint damage,” he says. The sed rate is a measure of inflammation in the body. “You can turn back the clock 15 years,” Dr. Braverman adds.

Throw away the cigarettes – for good

Dr. Braverman’s promise is backed up by hard science. A new study of 20,000 adults shows that people can trim 14 years off their age by eating five or more fruits and vegetables daily, along with being physically active for at least 30 minutes per day, drinking alcohol in moderation and not smoking. And smoking is a definite no-no for people with rheumatoid arthritis – especially those who have the HLA-DRB1 and anti-CCP antibodies. People with that genetic combination tend to have more severe rheumatoid arthritis, and a new study shows that they also are the ones who may die prematurely from cardiovascular disease. Smoking heightens that risk.

Treat your RA

Regardless of the other changes you make, be sure to treat the underlying disease and inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis, Dr. Roizen advises. “There are a lot of effective drugs today that can help. And many studies show that people with rheumatoid arthritis whose disease is tightly controlled feel better, have less inflammation in their bodies and live longer because keeping inflammation from increasing out of control helps reduce the risk of heart disease,” he says. If you haven’t already done so, consult your doctor about the rheumatoid arthritis treatments that are best for you

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Warming Techniques to Relieve Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Sahabat RA,

Berikut tips untuk mengurangi rasa sakit :

• Take a long and very warm shower first thing in the morning to ease rheumatoid arthritis pain. Heat from the shower stream helps reduce morning stiffness.

• Soak in a warm bath or whirlpool. By immersing yourself in heat, pain will melt away.

• Buy a moist heat pad from the drugstore, or make one at home by putting a wet wash cloth in a freezer bag and heating it in the microwave for one minute. Wrap the hot pack in a towel and place it over the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes.

• To soothe stiff and painful joints in your hands, apply mineral oil to your hands, put on rubber dishwashing gloves, and place your hands in hot tap water for 5 to 10 minutes.

• Incorporate other warming elements into your daily routines, such as warming your clothes in the dryer before dressing or using an electric blanket and turning it up before getting out of bed.A physical therapist can give you many additional ideas for using heat to temporarily relieve rheumatoid arthritis pain.

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Coping with an Arthritis Flare

Sahabat RA,

Berikut tahapan yang mungkin terjadi dalam proses pemulihanmu.
Dokterku telah mengingatkanku 'jangan senang dulu dengan kondisi RA yang sedang 'diam', karena biasanya ia mungkin bergejolak kembali. Lanjutkan treatment seperti biasa. Dan lihat perkembangan selanjutnya.

Aku tidak lagi mengalami morning stiffness, joint swollen. Tapi aku tetap pada track treatment. Karena sesungguhnya apa yang menakutkan tentang RA adalah sistem imun yang rendah. Ia berubah berbalik menyerang tubuh kita sendiri. Variasi serangan tidak tertutup pada organ lain selain sendi. Itulah yang harus diwaspadai. Menyerang sendi, sudah 'cukup' membuatku kolaps. Jadi aku tidak butuh kejutan lain lagi hehee...

So, keep on the track. Jangan lengah !


Although rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic disease, you can have acute episodes of pain and inflammation, known as flares. An arthritis flare may occur after an infection, or after a highly stressful situation. Often, however, what triggers a flare is not clear. You may have long periods when your RA is quiet, or in remission. Then, suddenly, the inflammation becomes more active and you have a rheumatoid arthritis flare. Remember that you have a range of weapons in your arsenal to address pain.

Discuss a plan of action with your doctor. One approach would be to adjust your medications temporarily while the disease is unusually active. This will not only relieve some of the pain associated with an arthritis flare, but also help minimize any damage that may occur from unchecked inflammation.

Be aware that your medications may not control the flare right away, even if your dosages are increased. Or they may only have a limited effect on your flare. Of course you and your doctors should be in agreement about possible increases in your medications, or even additions of new medications during a rheumatoid arthritis flare. Many doctors will suggest a plan that you can use at each flare’s onset without having to seek his or her permission each time.

The following is a list of some other steps that you may want to incorporate in your plan. Remember, some techniques work better for some people than others. Try a few of these, and if they don’t work for you, discard them and try others.

• Balance periods of activity with periods of rest. Although more rest can help during an arthritis flare, you probably do not need to abandon your regular activities, work or exercise program. A doctor or physical therapist can help you modify your program when you experience a flare. Spending long periods in bed is counterproductive, usually prolonging your pain. Instead, try to intersperse periods of rest with some light activity. Finally, to keep joints from becoming stiff, move them through the fullest range of motion possible, gradually increasing your range as the flare subsides.

• Have a plan to deal with your obligations. Have a contingency plan both for work and family obligations. At work, try to arrange for coverage, work fewer hours per week or bring work home. Discuss your plan with supervisors and co-workers ahead of time, and assure them of your commitment. At home, plan to apportion a few extra jobs among family members, and make sure everyone knows what they are expected to do to keep things running smoothly.

Communicate with your family and friends. The time to let your family and friends know that you may need more help is when things are going well. When a rheumatoid arthritis flare occurs, if someone volunteers to help you, give them a specific job. Otherwise, well-intentioned offers of assistance go unused. Other sources of help, such as members of your religious institution or community volunteer organizations, may be available to you as well.

• Apply a hot or cold pack to inflamed joints. Although heat can theoretically make inflammation worse, because it tends to increase blood flow and nerve sensitivity, some people find a warm pack soothing and pain relieving. Others get benefit from cold, which decreases blood flow to the inflamed area and lessens inflammation and muscle spasm. You can buy hot and cold packs from a drugstore, or you can use a hot water bottle or a pack of frozen vegetables (wrap a towel around the pack first). If you find that heat helps, try these warming techniques.

• Practice relaxation or mind-diversion techniques. These techniques work best when you do them on a regular basis. Even though relaxation may not directly reduce your pain, it can minimize stress, which has been shown to make pain worse. Try this simple muscle relaxation technique.

From Good Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis (Arthritis Foundation, 2006).

How to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sahabat RA,

Aku selalu yakin. Lebih cepat diobati, lebih bagus.
Itu memberi peluang 'sembuh' jauh lebih besar. Jika kamu telah di diagnosa mengidap RA, maka ikutilah setiap treatment yang dianjurkan dokter, juga jangan lagi menunda merubah pola hidup lebih sehat.

Untuk sahabat in HIGH RISK status, tidak ada salahnya meluangkan waktu sejenak membaca informasi ini, siapa tau artikel ini membantu 'memperpanjang usia' orang yang anda cintai.

So, take your time....


Why is it important to start treatment early?

Early, aggressive treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is important not only to relieve symptoms and make you more comfortable now, but to help prevent serious problems later – particularly if blood tests indicate you are at risk of developing a more serious form of the disease.

Doctors generally agree that your risk of serious disease is greater if blood tests are positive for antibodies to rheumatoid factor (RF) or cyclic citrullinated proteins (anti-CCP). While not all people with RA test positive for these antibodies, a positive test can indicate that you need more aggressive arthritis treatment to help keep the disease from progressing.

Fifteen or 20 years ago, doctors started treatment for virtually all RA patients with aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to ease pain and inflammation, and progressed to stronger disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) if symptoms persisted. Today, however, research shows that that irreparable damage can occur early in the disease process, so doctors attempt to treat aggressively early on to slow or even stop that process before damage occurs.

If you are not receiving treatment, or if you’re not being treated aggressively, you risk damage to your joints that could lead to deformity and disability – and possibly necessitate joint replacement surgery – down the road.

Aggressive treatment usually involves a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug such as methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), sulfasalazine (Azulfidine); a biologic agent such as etanercept (Enbrel) or adalimumab (Humira), or a combination of both a biologic and a DMARD.

Can I be cured?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis – at least not yet – but finding a cure is certainly a goal for researchers. In the meantime, there are many things you can do to control RA and limit its impact on your life. Today, it is easier than ever to control RA through the use of new drugs, exercise, joint protection techniques and self-management techniques.

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Arthritis Treatment: Early is Best

Sahabat RA,

Saya melakukan RF test di 2 tempat yang berbeda dengan dokter yang berbeda. Hasilnya negative. Ketika ini dikonsultasikan dengan dokter singapura. Memang, ada beberapa pasien yang melakukan test ini, negative hasilnya. Untuk lebih akurat mendeteksi RA, mereka memintaku melakukan test ANTI-CCP.

Dari test itu menunjukkan sistem kekebalan tubuhku sendirilah yang menyerang. Ini adalah awal bentukan RA. Apalagi dibarengi gejala-gejala yang sudah muncul. Treatment harus segera dilakukan.

Oya, saat itu aku mengalami keluhan pada persendian di lutut. Setiap kali bergerak selalu berbunyi sehingga merisaukanku terkena osteoarthritis. Lalu hal ini kukonsultasikan, aku meminta melakukan bone scan. Ternyata aku terlalu kuatir hehe...hasilnya massa tulang bagus, kalsium juga cukup. Bukanlah lebih bagus memberitau semua kekuatiran kita sehingga dokter bisa melakukan tindakan tepat sebagai pencegahan, iya kan ?


Receiving rheumatoid arthritis treatment sooner rather than later may be your key to remission
A hot topic among rheumatologists lately is whether when you treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA) matters as much as how you treat it. Some believe strongly in early arthritis treatment, prescribing an aggressive regimen of RA drugs during what is called "the window of opportunity." Doing so, they maintain, just may stop the disease in its tracks.

"I am a strong believer in the window of opportunity, which probably spans two years after symptom onset," says Salahuddin Kazi, MD, associate professor of internal medicine and chief of rheumatology at the Dallas VA Medical Center. "If RA goes untreated for two years, the majority of people with RA will develop joint erosion, indicating disease progression."

"The debate over whether a window of opportunity exists is semantics to some extent," says Arthur Kavanaugh, MD, rheumatologist and director of the Center for Innovative Therapy at the University of California, San Diego. "Some people don't like the term because people with active disease can – and should – always be treated, even beyond the two-year mark."

Treating RA as early as possible is not a new concept. In 1989, a study published in The Lancet emphasized the importance of starting a regimen of antirheumatic drugs early. The drugs commonly used then were hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) and sulfasalazine (Azulfidine); methotrexate wasn't yet an option, and biologics were not yet developed.

The main difference between discussions of early arthritis treatment 15 to 20 years ago and today are the drugs available for aggressive treatment, says Dr. Kavanaugh.Early, aggressive treatment is particularly important for those who will develop a more serious disease. Figuring out who those patients are is quite a challenge, but guiding principles exist. "I think it's pretty clear right now that if a patient has antibodies to rheumatoid factor (RF) or cyclic citrullinated proteins (anti-CCP) at any time during the course of disease -- from day one to 12 weeks or 12 years – then he has a greater risk for persistent disease that is worse and more destructive," says Stephen Paget, MD, rheumatologist and physician-in-chief of the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. "Those patients need aggressive therapy that's constantly monitored."

A recent study of adalimumab (Humira) plus methotrexate showed one in two people with early RA – diagnosed less than three years earlier – achieved a clinical remission at two years. More than 60 percent of the patients showed at least a 50-percent improvement in symptoms. The effect with combination therapy was observed as early as two weeks, and these differences were sustained throughout the two-year study.

Another study, the Definitive Intervention in New-Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis (DINORA) trial, is reviewing the use of infliximab (Remicade) in people with very early inflammatory RA (those who had it fewer than 14 weeks) to see if it can prevent the development of destructive disease.

While it's ideal to initiate treatment as early as possible, aggressive treatment throughout the course of the disease is essential, say the experts.

"If you're past that two-year mark with no treatment or treatment that wasn't aggressive enough, all is not lost," says Dr. Kavanaugh.

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Let's share : Memeluk RA

Sejak di diagnosa mengidap RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis), aku mengikuti milis , itu membantuku mengupdate informasi seputar RA. Karena aku tidak mempunyai sharing group di kotaku. Semoga artikel-artikel yang kuposting akan berguna untuk mereka yang juga sedang berjuang melawan RA

Artikel-artikel yang kubaca ini lalu menjadi bahan diskusi dengan dokter Singapura yang merawatku. Aku semakin mengenali penyakitku. Itu membantu proses pemulihan. Setiap 3 bulan saya harus bolak-balik kesana untuk control. Melakukan blood test (ESR & Liver Function). ESR ini penting dilakukan karena semakin tinggi angka menunjukkan tinggi tingkat inflammatory. Dan ini sangat berpengaruh pada fungsi Liver.

Test terakhir di bulan Feb 2009, ESR berada dikisaran normal : 15 dan fungsi liver juga bagus.
karena RA termasuk Low immune Desease, itu berarti sembarang zat asing tidak boleh masuk ke tubuh termasuk tindakan vaksinasi. Bahkan bila berobat ke dokter umum untuk sakit biasapun. Biarkan mereka tau tentang historis kesehatanmu.

Walaupun medis skeptis dengan urine terapi yang kulakukan, tapi terapi ini berhasil untuk proses pemulihan RA.

Mei 2008, pada saat aku mencari second opinion tentang RA dengan dokter singapura, berbarengan waktu itu juga aku mulai urine terapi. Saat itu ESRku sangat tinggi, mencapai 115. Itu berarti tingkat imflammatory begitu tinggi. Saya yakin anda tau bagaimana kakunya seluruh persendian, juga bengkak dan sensasi panas. Lebih dari itu kulitku juga mengalami masalah. Lebih mirip allergic symptoms.

Aku mengikuti setiap step anjuran dokter, namun seiring waktu berjalan, aku mengurangi dosis obat yang diberikan dokter. Tapi tidak sembarang mengurangi. Semua tetap dalam perhitungan pribadi. Karena tiap orang berbeda kondisinya. Karena itu kenali tubuh anda, kenali masalahnya. Itu yang kurekam dalam setiap perkembangan pemulihan ini.

Aku lalu mengikuti yoga. Tidak mudah melakukan karena kondisi persendian yang kaku dan bengkak. Tapi instruktur yoga membantuku. Aku belajar dengan pelan dan tidak memaksakan diri untuk SEGERA sembuh. Aku memahami segala sesuatu berproses, nikmati dan berkembanglah bersama proses itu.

Terapi fisik tidak hanya di Yoga, aku menggunakan kolam renang anak-anak untuk membantuku berlutut, bersila, jongkok. Semua gerakan remeh untuk orang sehat tapi tidak sanggup kulakukan. Aku juga melatih kekuatan tangan. Ikuti saja proses itu, tak perlu terburu-buru. Terapi urin tetap kulakukan setiap pagi. Urin yang diambil adalah saat bangun pagi, Aliran pertama dan terakhir harus dibuang, ambil aliran pertengahan.

Relaksasi & meditasi sangat membantu juga proses pemulihan. Lakukan sesering mungkin. Dengarkan musik yang kamu sukai. Mulailah berbicara, mulailah berbagi dengan sahabat, atau orang-orang yang membuatmu nyaman untuk sharing. Itu sungguh-sungguh membantu
Tertawa adalah obat mujarab yang murah. Lakukan lebih sering lagi.

Peluklah penyakitmu, terima dia sebagaimana adanya. Disaat itulah kekuatan pemulihan akan berproses, karena kamu menerimanya, maka ini mengurangi perasaan tidak suka atau emosi negatif terhadap penyakitmu. Perlakukan dia seperti sahabat yang selalu ingin dimengerti. Rangkul dia. Kamu rasakan banyak keajaiban dari rasa penerimaan itu. Percaya deh, itu yang terjadi padaku.

Oya, berdoa penting juga. Setiap pagi sediakan segelas air. Lalu bacalah doa sesuai keyakinanmu. Setelah itu diminum. Katakan aku memberikan segelas air putih untuk menyembuhkan sahabatku si RA. Dia akan bahagia menerimanya.

Penyakit tidak hanya membuat derita fisik, tapi aspek psikologis penting juga dipantau. Didalam jiwa yang sehat akan membantu tubuh yang sakit.

So, share with me....aku akan sangat senang mendengarmu
